Pedro F. Ferreira


I aim to contribute to minimizing the suffering caused by cancer by developing computational methods that extract actionable information from tumors.

Describing the heterogeneous populations of cells that constitute tumors is an important step towards designing effective cancer therapies. With the development of single-cell sequencing technologies, this heterogeneity can be accessed at very high resolution and used to understand tumor progression. I develop statistical models and learning algorithms to describe the heterogeneity of tumors from high-throughput single-cell sequencing data. During my PhD, I designed and implemented three computational tools for single-cell RNA and DNA sequencing data analysis, and applied these methods to discover subgroups within a large cohort of metastatic melanoma patients. My doctoral thesis is available here and the cover features a beautiful drawing by Inês Viegas Oliveira.

I am enthusiastic about sharing my research in conferences and meetings. You can find a list of some of my talks and poster presentations below.

I do my best to provide constructive criticism to authors of papers submitted to journals and conferences. I reviewed submissions to Nature Communications, Cell Reports Methods, Genome Research, Genome Biology, Bioinformatics, BMC Bioinformatics, PLoS Computational Biology, RECOMB and ISMB.

Selected papers

Please see my Google Scholar page for a complete list.

Talks, lectures and posters